Grandeur Properties was born with a mission to provide quality property matchmaker services.
The services we provide include, but are not limited to, selling condominiums, selling houses & lots, and providing rental properties.
This website was launched through the directives of John Rey Bercero, a trusted sales agent from Filipino Homes. With his natural talent as a licensed civil engineer and through his expertise in digital marketing, he was able to build relationships with clients in different fields of industry. "Relationships & Results". That is his mantra in providing transparent and quality service to the clients he handles.
And by the way, he is so super friendly!
So don't hesitate to reach him out through these channels:
Real Estate Agent Filipino Homes:
PRC Accredited & DSHUD Registered
Phone Number (WhatsApp, Viber)
+63 9550 962 437
+63 9175 905 756
FB Messenger: